Our video interview question type enables you to get your candidate to live record an answer to a question within the form. There are a number of advantages such as reducing scheduling errors and building a better-standardised screening process of candidates.
Our system will allow your applicants to do a practice recording before submitting their final answer. The question you want them to answer will not appear until they click on the "Reveal the Question". Once they have revealed the question, they have 30 seconds before their answer will begin recording.
Set up
To add a video interview to your application, simply select the ‘Video Recording’ question type from the drop-down menu and add your question text in the question builder.
To edit the requirements of the video, simply click on the setting cogwheel. The question editing window should appear on your screen.
Here you can choose to:
Make the question required
Allow the candidate to have a redo of their final answer
Set a time limit (in minutes) on the answers
Once you’ve set the requirements you need, simply click save.