At, we are always looking for ways to improve your efficiency! Auto-tagging is a powerful tool that lets you tag applications automatically based on the answers given by the applicant. This makes it easier for you to sort and filter submissions quickly, allowing you to determine which ones are suitable or unsuitable with a quick glance. Additionally, you can use auto-tagging to group message specific submissions based on the tags you've created. For example, if you want to message submissions from a previous form that have agreed to be contacted again, you can filter them by the tag and group message them.
Auto-tagging is flexible and can be customized to fit your needs. You can assign any tag to Yes/No, Multiple Choice/Multiple Select answers, and you can add as many tags to a particular answer as you'd like. You can turn on the auto-tag feature by editing your question and navigating to the Auto tag tab. Check the Auto Tag Answers Box to enable the auto-tag feature.
Then, to create auto-tags, select "no tag" next to the answer option.
You can either tick an existing option to apply to the option or create a new tag from the window. You can assign as many tags to the option as you like.
That's it! Auto-tagging is a powerful tool that can save you time and effort when sorting and filtering submissions. Try it out today!