Need to change ownership of an application in No problem! Sometimes contact info changes, or maybe a candidate accidentally used the wrong email. Whatever the reason, transferring application ownership is a breeze. Whether you're passing it to a registered user or setting up a brand new account, we've got you covered.
If you are a team member you may need to request edit application permissions from your Team Leader.
Navigate into the candidate's application and head to the "Transfer Ownership" option under the Management tab:
Transfer to a new candidate:
In the pop up panel you will be able to register a new candidate:
You can enter the new candidate's first and last name and email. Click "Register and Transfer Ownership" and the new candidate with be automatically registered and the application will be transferred to them.
Transfer to an existing candidate
If the candidate you need to transfer to already has an account registered on you can easily search for their name or select them from the dropdown. You can then click "transfer application" next to the desired candidate's name. The application will automatically be transferred to them.
Important note: does not automatically notify the original candidate or the new candidate that an application has been transferred. You can message them directly from the messaging panel under the application.