Creating Your External reviewer account
When added, the external reviewer will receive an email where they are asked to create a password:
From here they can create the password for their account:
Once their account is created, they will automatically be logged in, and they will see any folders they have been added to. Clicking on the Applications "View" will bring them to the applicants they have been assigned to within the folder:
When the external reviewer accesses the applicant view list, they will see all allocated applicants. To view individual applicants, they need to select "View" under the applicant's profile information.
On the application page, they can see the application on the left. The application is available in full by scrolling down. If they wish to comment on the application, they can select "comment," and if they wish to score the application, they can select "score." Each of these functions opens in the right column.
Accessing Uploaded Documents
You can access the attached documents through the form or the Uploads tab. Clicking on a document will open it in a new browser tab, allowing you to view, zoom in, and download it if needed.
Tagging an Applicant
To tag an applicant, you can access tags through the Tag button.
Clicking the button opens the Tags section in the right-hand box. Selecting the box assigns the tag to the applicant and records it in the Tag history section.
One you are finished with e application you can return to the list of applicants in your folder by clicking on the Folder Applications button.
Accessing attachments in your folder
If the form creator (Team Leader or Team Member) has added an attachment to the folder, such as guidelines or FAQs related to the reviewing process, you can view it in a web browser by clicking the attachment button at the top of the page.
If more than one document has been uploaded, you can access the document list by clicking the menu button in the top right corner of the document viewing page. A sidebar will open, displaying the list of accessible documents.